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OD-BH was developed after long-term studies and experience and are designed for direct use with all carabines, including scaffold-type carbines.

OD-BH-D was developed after long-term studies and experience and are designed for direct use with all carabines, including scaffold-type carbines.

 OD-EXT  was designed to create anchorage points and to be mounted on all kinds of structural elements, especially marine-type vertical ladders.

OD-FLASH is a fixed anchor. It was designed to create an anchorage solution in ladders that are formed with a rod on the poles of the power transmission line

OD-S6 Steel anchor sling was designed to create a safe connection point in all types of profiles.It is a user-friendly product with its lightness and ease of application.

OD-RB-44 was designed to create connection points from iron ores in construction applications of personnel easily and safely. It is a user-friendly anchor with its superior and innovative geometric design.

OD-FQ was developed after long-term studies and experience and designed for direct use with all carabines, including scaffold-type carbines.

It is a user-friendly anchor with its superior wheels, low noise and innovative geometric design.